Part of my online marketing recommendation to clients is to consistently create a blog post. Given an SEO perspective, a website is not complete without an article, insights, or news page. I encounter some resistance from site owners, especially non-writers, emphasizing that their website can survived without it. Perhaps it can, but has the site attained its main objective or has it reached the target market? Did the website with no blog provide a prominent impact to the overall marketing campaign of the company?
A well-thought, properly written blog that is published regularly may be considered a worthy investment. Schedule of publication may vary—it can be weekly, once a month or twice a week depending on your resources, but the idea is to do it religiously. What can blogging do for you?
- Makes you an expert in the field
Sharing your knowledge to the site visitors gives a signal that you know your industry, your business, and you are capable to deliver what your website is offering. Blog page is a good push to your “about us” and “testimonials” as it highlights that you are truly in the zone of your trade.
What can happen then? Site visitors can be converted to customers or clients. You can also become a top-of-mind resource when your service is suddenly needed.
- Builds engagement
If you hit the mark and was able to answer a specific question of readers, expect that they would be in touch with you or may ask more information about what you wrote; this is an ideal setting to offer your assistance and put your product/service at the forefront that does not appear imposing and hard sell.
Some readers would just appreciate the value of your effort and share your contents via social media. In a likely scenario, their friends might click the link, read your post, re-share, and be aware of your existence creating a ripple effect. Voila! You get the advertising your business needs for free!
- Drives traffic (or visitors) to your site
More readers mean more site visitors and more opportunity to develop awareness of the website’s core products/services. The created content is also a very useful material for social media posting that can convert followers to readers.
- Improves search engine ranking
There is no schedule as to when Google bots crawl a website but when it does, we need to make sure that the page is SEO-friendly with fresh updates. This does not mean that we have to constantly rewrite the texts found at the “mission/vision” or “contact us” pages; that is why a blog is necessary.
Simply put, a new post gives Google a cue that the page is alive and that it maintains a good number of web traffic. This is also a spot-on activity to strengthen your SEO strategy (as you simultaneously work on the keywords, meta tags, image optimization, Google analytics, and a heap more.)
A good blog also helps keep your visitors stay longer on the page and thus reducing bounce rate (the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page at a given duration) which may suggest Search Engines that something is relevant, readers are not leaving at once! It serves as one of the many factors for better ranking on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). So, when someone runs a query using your preferred keywords, Google might then include you up on the list!
If you are not yet implementing a blog page to your existing website or if you are planning to (re)launch a new site, make this your mandatory feature. It’s going to be worth your writing time.