Now that you have finally convinced your team to start blogging and drove them to appreciate its importance in terms of building the brand on the internet, the next question is always— what to write? Creating a blog is not a one-time activity so pipelining the contents would benefit the overall digital marketing campaign whether you are doing online in the Philippines or in other countries.
Here are some quick suggestions that can help spark more ideas:
- Industry News – Highlight the findings and mention the trusted source of the study while giving your own point-of-view and interpretation.
- How-To Articles – Assume that not everyone knows your product or service so consider your blog as a gateway of explaining what you can do. Reach out to your target market wherever they are in the world and convert them to become advocates.
- Answer Problems – Try to consider the inquiries you are getting from your fill-up forms—what common questions do you get? When you attend a face-to-face meeting with clients, what are their usual issues? Gather and answer relevant chunks of these questions then write contents of at least 300 words.
- Your Own Stories – Bring to front your expertise and what you have learned from your profession. Take note of your experience, what you have learned in the process, and enumerate tips; become an authority in your field.
- Share Your Events – Are you invited to do a talk in a conference? Attending an industry-related seminar? Joining an expo? Is your company inviting a guest speaker? Promote it on your blog and write a gist of what happened.
- Check Your Search Query Report – If your website has a Google analytics installed or offers a summary of “Top Searches” report, you can use the information to discover what your site visitors are looking for and translate it to a blog post.
And most of all, enjoy writing! Writing a blog goes beyond the act of creating content. It encompasses the satisfaction of connecting with your audience, sharing knowledge, and leaving a positive impact on others. Still need convincing? Hop to my previous blog: 4 Reasons to Create a Blog Page on Your Website.