Making it Happen: Practical Tips to Make the Plan Work
Many of us have plans to open a business, introduce a new product, or offer a unique service. There’s a lot of anticipation at the start; many excitedly begin, but sadly, it often ends with just a verbal plan. How can we retain the enthusiasm and drive to proceed?...
When Plotting Your Digital Marketing Strategy, Keep it Simple
Now that many companies have finally jumped into digital marketing and has learned to adapt in this new environment, it is a must to stay focused at work and resist distractions. There will always be something new, better, and improved technology or platform but let us not...
5 Proven Ways for Your Company to Embrace Digital Marketing
Introducing digital transformation takes time; there are still several companies in the Philippines that are not yet fully embracing online marketing. Other than being in-the-know of all things online marketing, there are techniques to push your company to fully embrace all...
4 Reasons to Create a Blog Page on Your Website
Part of my online marketing recommendation to clients is to consistently create a blog post. Given an SEO perspective, a website is not complete without an article, insights, or news page. I encounter some resistance from site owners, especially non-writers, emphasizing that...